Emotion — Beyond Blessing & Curse

Vaishnavi R.
6 min readJun 19, 2021
Photo by Olia Nayda on Unsplash

“Flower is intricate, delicate, attractive & short-lived…
And I am sure it is never accounted as a Curse. Then why should be Emotions?”

A Flower is restless because it continuously waves with the winds and attracts the honey bees. It is enthusiastic because it reflects the same energy of love & happiness on everyone, compels the butterflies. It is also there at the time of sorrow when we lose our dear ones, thus showing the downtime and respect towards someone. When a flower loses its beauty, it sounds lifeless and lazy but still, it never forgets to mix with soil to grow new flowers and spread its seeds everywhere. So, If Flower is not a curse, then how can be Emotions?

We are bound to have emotions because they are the radiation of our thoughts. And we know that thought is the by-product of our interaction with this world. We have emotions depending on our thoughts. Realize closely you cannot have an emotion of sorrow of losing someone without the memory flashed back as a thought, which generates when we really lose someone. Realize more closely, that you can also have the emotion of jealousy to not get a pay rase which your hardworking colleague has received as the price of his work better than yours. And apart from this what you feel while feeding hungry pigeons in your backyard is your kindness, isn’t it? Parent punish their child when their child misbehaves, they get angry and sad too. Isn’t their anger and sadness also a form of emotion?

Aren’t sorrow, jealousy, kindness, anger, sadness all the forms of emotions?

So, what is the difference between each of these forms of emotions? Can we all equate emotion that easily into curse and blessing?

There is a transparent wall of glass breaking which each emotion separates itself from another. Each and every person has emotions. We cannot evaluate or judge the exactness of emotions as the base of emotion roots into a long journey the person has been through. Legends know why Angaraj Karna decided to always stick to Duryodhan and we all know how Lord try to convince Angaraj to seek the shelter of justice which he denied, leading to his fatal destiny. However, for that we cannot blame Angaraj nor did that ever make him smaller. All I intend to express is, many times it is the role of situations that molds the person who is the real You and only a handful of people who never get the shape of the situation and they shape the situation in their way, simply with a stronger sense of knowledge, with a wider scope of understanding.

The sorrow of losing someone represents our love or attachment. We may feel the void due to his / her absence which breaks us. This is natural and gets cured with time. Jealousy marks our resentment to not get the desire. It is anything that makes us selfish in a manner making us neglect our own potency and self-realization. I believe that jealousy can be cured rightfully when turning our vision towards ourselves, instead of having our vision on the others, because when you become your greatest competition when your stretch your potency to the next level and learn about yourself, the point of jealousy would automatically vanish. Observe the emotion of envy when nurtured with knowledge leads you to be a stronger version of yourself. At times, emotion needs the maternal love of knowledge.

Many of you sure love to feed pigeons and sparrows. This is so causeless, so pure. There is no dividend you would ever expect. This shows how your emotion and your action are conjugal. They are entirely bonded. It is bringing an emotion because this spreads divine happiness for both the birds and the feeder. Grow! See!! How simple emotion is!!! & How frequently we call them complicated. Actually, a thing is only complicated till it unseen as it is. This happens when we deny the acceptance of the truth. I think truth, which is eternal to change unlike facts is the hardest thing to ever understand, the simplest thing the moment we understand. Emotion too is just like the truth. In fact, emotion is the shadow of truth always taking birth in some form or the other, maybe understood or strongly misunderstood.

How can one deny that parents are more hurt than anyone when they see their child going the wrong way and parents suppress with the knowledge their real feelings, their real emotions thus they become harsh, when necessary, only for the good of their child? A child may feel bad and get angry at his parents meaning he misunderstood or he learns the right and becomes a better person thus understands what went through his parents to do whatever they did, eventually he understands. It is when a child breaks the wall of ignorance, he enters the realm of right emotions. We all can become that little child, for every little child there will be a parent in some form. Isn’t the emotion of every form here was due to some form of truth?

It is the line of acceptance drawn with the pen of knowledge that would make the separators distinguish various forms of emotions born out of truths around us. Simple?

Also, to make it count. It is not an emotion that is a blessing making you a good person. In reality, it is your wisdom, love, and kindness that makes you a blessing for millions around you even without you even realizing it. It is You, who is the blessing for others because I believe that you are one of those handfuls who possess the ability to understand the truth as it is thus shaping the world instead of letting the world shape you. So never in blues ever think bad to have emotions, because I believe the person who can cry in front of the world, is the one who accepts that he too has the gift of nature to express.

“Remember, you will find many who cry out of sorrow but you can hardly ever find anyone who would openly cry out of joy and I trust that one day you would really know what it takes to cry out of joy… Finally, to cry never makes you small…”

Thus, emotions may thrive in vulnerability but only when they fall without knowledge without simplicity, those with knowledge are beautifully divine, exceptionally simple, as simple as the emotion of you feeding the sparrows, as simple as you openly crying out of joy… It takes something you would never know.

Obviously, you have the right to open up. In fact, the dharma and the Indian legends teach us that is sinful to stay quiet when you see things wrong. Every person is prone to mistakes. The moral does not lie in the fact that you act, the moral lies in the way you act. You can fight to take revenge or you can also fight to reestablish justice. It is your emotion with or without knowledge.

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

I hail your gesture of kindness which weeps in your soul to see the world suffering and I think this can never be accounted for under overthinking. It is the maternal love of yours towards this world and its suffering. I believe that maternal love is strong enough to heal the greatest wounds. It is only when we lose something, we understand the real value of the things we had earlier. If we all learn to have this honorable gesture of kindness maybe we can bring back the lost instead of getting lost. Indeed, it takes total destruction to lay the foundation of pure, because only when we lose everything we had, we can recreate a version better than the one we had before. At times, the cause of causes is beyond our conception. At times, our job is to be the little oil lamp that would brighten up the whole universe filled with darkness. Maybe, you did get my point… Maybe this is where you can easily drop resignation to your full-time job of overthinking because for me you are the little oil lamp that can inspire the sun to shine back who is only showing the silver-lining.

Photo by Umesh Soni on Unsplash

Can’t you now see how much illuminated now your emotion is? It is because you brought in the light using the oil of knowledge? Now you don’t need any other ointment presumed to be an emotion, because indeed you are the ointment itself…

Thank You for being the Gorgeous Inspiration to motivate all of us to see emotions in a mature and profound way…

